Vikesh Kapoor added to Newport Nightcap lineup!

We're excited to announce the fourth and final artist for the Newport Nightcap...VIKESH KAPOOR. The former Bostonian and current Portlander (Oregon, that is) will make his triumphant return to the East Coast to play the Nightcap. Armed with an acoustic guitar and personal slice-of-life songs, Kapoor's music recalls days gone by, before folk went electric and mainstream and Starbucks-approved. If you're going to the folk festival, you're guaranteed to dig this.
Vikesh Kapoor joins Kingsley Flood, Swear and Shake and Pearl And The Beard, rounding out a lineup that I can say with certainty is arguably pretty much the best unofficial Newport Folk Afterparty ever. There are still a handfull of advance "VIP" tickets left - for just $10 these get you guaranteed admission, a poster and some CDs and other goodies (BUY HERE). There will also be tickets available at the door for $5. Join us at 7pm to cool off and stick around for the live music all night long.
Check out Ryan's Smashing Life for an exclusive premier of a brand new Vikesh Kapoor video!
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