Timber! Outdoor Music Festival 2018

“Take me back outside / Clear the wreckage from my mind.” The sounds of Vancouver band Douse opened Timber! Fest early Saturday afternoon like a window. Light and air swirled out from the stage and across the grass-seated crowd. Often an ambient art trio, they were joined by bassist Victoria Spooner that day, creating in an aerated alternative mood together. Their latest LP, The Light In You Has Left, gives me hints of John Frusciante’s instrumental works and lyrics that grip my ribs with nostalgia. Thanks to glossy vocals and laughter between each song, their live set was as relaxing and clean as the soap they sell.
Beverly Crusher
If Douse was like a dip in a wading pool, Beverly Crusher was a Gatorade splash to the face. They writhe and wail about heaps of my favorite things! Drugs, unrequited crushes, spells cast across the chasm of life and death. The crowd woke right tf up for this set as the trio got the audience yeah-yelling along to their songs. I saw young children shimmying, parents snapchatting jam after jam, and a collective hangover sloughing off people who got up to bop around. The whole set was tight musically, and letting-it-all-hang-out attitude-wise. Keep your eyes on these guys.
Brothers From Another
Why hadn’t I seen this hip hop crew before?! They groove, they grin, they get entire fests going. “This is the part where we pretend we can dance!” “It’s like a family reunion up here!” Every exclamation felt like a celebration of the day, and all they’ve accomplished in their hometown of Seattle and beyond. Some bands feel strange to see in the daylight, as if they only belong in dark venues and basement shows. Not these three. They’d obviously thrive in all the above, but getting to experience them for the first time in pure sunlight felt pretty right. We were all sweating our faces off and it was perfect. It’s a good sign when you want to literally jump into a body of water after a show. (And thanks to the Tolt River running through the campgrounds, that’s exactly what I got to do.)
Industrial Revelation
Worldly and world class. You know it’s real when you choose to leave your inner tube to catch a concert. Not a fan of jazz? Psshh, listen to this group and you will be. Infectious, funky, full-flavored. The late afternoon haze set in, the sun began to slope, and the four-piece’s instruments elevated minds from the front of the stage to the far edges of Carnation, WA. I first saw this group back in 2015, and still haven’t seen another act quite like them in the Pacific Northwest. If you have, please send me your recommendations! In the meantime, I’m hitting every show of theirs that I can.
Naked Giants
Due to other obligations I had back in Seattle, Naked Giants was the last act I could catch Saturday night. But thanks to their spirited, smile-filled set, I was able to leave happy. Like, try watching their music videos without feeling charmed by their goofball antics and love of the PNW arts community. Having released their debut album this spring, it definitely seems like the trio is staying committed to punky meaninglessness and checking their privilege. Good stuff (or should I say SLUFF?) all-around.
As a total Timber! rookie, I was impressed the entire day. The local musicians, variety of activities available, safe-space vibes, and laidback-ness made this the most chill music fest I have ever been to. 10/10 would recommend, especially if you’re into river floats, Rainier beer gardens, and not having to walk ten miles to reach your campsite. See you there next year!
Words // photos by AJ Dent