The Love Language: TT The Bears Cambridge 7.14.10

Charlotte Zoller © 2010 -
By Maria Cristina Romero
Navigating the tightrope between influence and imitation is difficult for any artist. Sometimes it’s downright impossible, and often results in a loss of identity as musicians retreat to the canon of remembered tunes. The Love Language, however, skillfully straddles the line. Mixing harmonies reminiscent of ‘60s girl-group rock with heavy drum lines, raucous guitar riffs, and hefty howls, The Love Language sets its sound apart from rock bands both past and present.
Although the Raleigh-based rockers didn’t pack the house that evening, The Love Language certainly packed a punch as the group celebrated its second album release at T.T. the Bear’s Place in Cambridge last week. Maybe it was the Turkish coffee that front man, Stuart McLamb, admittedly chugged before the show, or maybe it was the excitement following the fresh debut of Libraries—whatever the source, a palpable surge of kinetic energy had the audience bobbing and weaving as the band struck its first note. Kicking off with “Stars” from the group’s self-titled first album, The Love Language wooed fans before revealing “Horophones”—a new tune that’s nearly as infectious as Pete Bjorn’s “Young Folks.” In “Pedals”—a song perfectly punctuated with stormy drum strokes—the quintet presented a kind of organic synergy you’d expect from veteran rockers, not from a band on the day of its second album release in as many years. Intermingling brief ballads with faster-paced pop melodies and innervating instrumentals, The Love Language stylishly showcased its wide-ranging dexterity and refreshing ingenuity—a combination that will likely propel this band to the forefront of indie-rock’s future. If you haven’t heard it yet, do your ears a favor and listen to Libraries now.
I'm very happy to share an amazing video from the show, courtesy of our friends at Kitchen Sessions
Note: more videos and full audio recording coming soon!
Special thanks to all of the contributors that made this post possible - a true team effort. Please check out and support their fantastic sites:
This Kind Of Music
Kitchen Sessions