Songs for Wednesday: Damien Jurado, Portage and more

Words // Adam Sharp
Damien Jurado - "Working Titles"
You don't hear sad doo-wop very often nowadays. Or songs with lyrics that somehow improve with each passing, devastating line. (website)
Damien Jurado - Working Titles
Portage - "Souls"
A little smoky, a little blues, a little soul- it's a recipe for goodness. (website)
Horse Feathers - "Fit Against the Country"
I feel like this band could pump out a million songs like this without trying. I would love every single one. (website)
Horse Feathers - Fit Against the Country
Sun Kil Moon - "Si, Paloma"
Seems like everyone is a bit stressed (cabin fever? Valentines stress? work stress), so I think we should all just take a second and let this gorgeous piece of instrumental work calm everything in us down. (website)
Adam Arcuragi - "Port Song" (for Indie Ambassador TV)
There's something about the resignation and longing in this song that kills me every time through, and it's that much more profound when he plays it live. It's easily my favorite song on Arcuragi's brilliant Like a fire that consumes all before it... (website)