Entries in Nada Fest (1)


Nada Fest 2017 - Preview

In the aftermath of a Seattle summer that found the sky engulfed with smoke, the mayor resigning in disgrace, and something like 400 music festivals, there is only ONE thing this city needs...another music festival. Oops wait...NadaFest, the progeny of Seattle music and culture site NadaMucho.com, does NOT like being called a festival, so much so that the last two years the festival's tag line was "We are not having a festival". Orwellian irony? Perhaps. But, whatever name you give it, Nadafest is a 3-day, 2-stage celebration of soon-to-be-discovered and criminally-underappreciated Seattle bands and artists of all genres.

Hosted again at Substation, itself a refuge for the Seattle arts underground, Nadafest will feature more than 20 bands from NadaMucho's #41for2017 list with 100% of the door profits going directly to the artists. The main and back room stages alternate between performances so attendees never have to choose one artist over the other. Essentially, it's a 3-day, super-sized basement show with real stages, better beer, and no need to worry about your parents coming home early from vacation.

Entirely devoid of corporate sponsors (no free Cliff Bars for you) and with a very modest entry fee of $10/night, NadaFest serves as a genuine alternative to the high-dollar summer blockbuster festivals that have become their own cottage industry in Seattle. At a total cost of $30 for 24 bands, it is a steal.

NadaFest will take place October 19, 20 and 21st at Substation, 645 NW 45th St, Seattle, WA 98107. Admission is $10/night, 21+

100% of door sales will be split evenly between bands.

Don't Miss: Mind Beams, somesurprises, Low Hums, RVN, DoNormaal, Mirror Ferrari, Sleepy Genes, Crazy Eyes, MonsterWatch


7:30-8:00 The Screaming Multitudes (BACK ROOM) facebook.com/screamingmultitudes/

8:00-8:30 Killer Ghost (MAIN ROOM) facebook.com/diggitydownandthegraveyards/

8:30-9:00 HellerGrave (BACK ROOM) facebook.com/Hellergrave/

9:00-9:30 Mind Beams (MAIN ROOM) facebook.com/mindbeams/

9:30-10:00 somesurprises (BACK ROOM) facebook.com/somesurprisesmusic/

10:00-10:30 Tit Nun (MAIN ROOM) facebook.com/titnunminion/

10:30-11:15 Maklak (BACK ROOM) facebook.com/themaklakproject/

11:30-12:30 Low Hums (MAIN ROOM) facebook.com/lowhums/

$10. 21+.

FRIDAY 10/20

7:30-8:00 Cavegreen (BACK ROOM) https://www.facebook.com/cavegreen/

8:00-8:30 Astro King Phoenix (MAIN ROOM) https://www.facebook.com/astrokingphoenix/

8:30-9:00 Le Grotto (BACK ROOM) https://www.facebook.com/legrotCHOD3/

9:00-9:30 DoNormaal (MAIN ROOM) https://www.facebook.com/donormaal/

9:30-10:00 Downtown (BACK ROOM) https://www.facebook.com/therealdowntown/

10:00-10:30 RVN (MAIN ROOM) https://www.facebook.com/rvnrecords/

10:30-11:15 Mirror Ferrari (BACK ROOM) https://www.facebook.com/mirrorferrari/

11:30-12:30 Scribemecca (MAIN ROOM) https://www.facebook.com/BAthescribe/

$10. 21+.


7:30-8:00 Sleepy Genes (BACK ROOM) www.facebook.com/sleepygenesband/

8:00-8:30 Oliver Elf Army (MAIN ROOM) www.facebook.com/dubstepforpensioners/

8:30-9:00 Zelda Starfire (BACK ROOM) https://www.acebook.com/Zelda-Starfire-1472329643005249/

9:00-9:30 Crazy Eyes (MAIN ROOM) www.facebook.com/crazyeyesarelookingatyou/

9:30-10:00 Shivertwins (BACK ROOM) https://www.facebook.com/shivertwinz/

10:00-10:30 SSDD (MAIN ROOM) https://www.facebook.com/stealshitdodrugs/

10:30-11:15 Snuff Redux (BACK ROOM) https://www.facebook.com/snuffredux/

11:30-12:30 Monsterwatch (MAIN ROOM) https://www.facebook.com/monsterwatch/


Words by Patrick Galactic

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