Words // Adam Sharp
Milo Greene have only four songs available for listening but they’ve somehow been on what seems like every playlist I’ve made since I was introduced to their music late this spring. The anxiously beautiful ‘1957’ was the first song of theirs I heard, immediately going into heavy rotation through the summer and eventually being supplanted by the gorgeous and understated ‘Silent Way’ as the summer wore on. With fall officially starting in a little over a week it seems fitting that the stunning, soaring harmonies of ‘Autumn Tree’ have started to turn up on playlist after playlist. The tune finds the group using layers and layers of fantastic harmonies and shimmering percussion to produce a lush and cinematic three minutes and fifty one seconds. Sometimes the name of a song belies what it will make you feel, but ‘Autumn Tree’ will have you longing for apple cider, a bonfire and some pumpkin pie. Make sure to head over to Milo Greene’s Bandcamp page to take a listen to the 4 songs they currently have up and to purchase their first 7’’. There’s tremendous promise in the songs that Milo Greene have recorded so far and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for them (and our ears). Enjoy.