Faces On Film / Waiting For GA

Words // Scott Pingeton
Why Faces On Film isn't more well-known, I don't know. Adored by bloggers and fellow musicians, they somehow fly under the radar of the broader public consciousness. The Troubles was easily one of my favorite records of 2008, as was 2010's follow-up Some Weather. Mike Fiore's captivating songwriting and rich compositions evoke memories and places, exuding warmth and familiarity on first listen. Records to curl up with on a rainy day or cold night.
Mike Fiore recorded a new song, "Waiting For GA" for Shaking Through, the fantastic series that documents and celebrates the creation of new music. The track features Fiore's hallmarks - clean guitars, lush melodies and reverby vocals. It fits perfectly into the Faces On Film catalogue, and hopefully is a harbinger of more new music to come.
Faces On Film - Waiting For GA
Watch the fascinating video which follows the process of arranging and recording the song, with commentary from Fiore and Marissa Nadler who curated the episode. And check out Shaking Ground for more videos and commentary from the sessions.
Please support both Shaking Through and Faces On Film.