Kris Orlowski - Covers and Remixes (Compilation Album)

Our good friend Kris Orlowski pulled another one out of his hat!
This has been a huge year for Kris. First, he decided to slum it with us and do a video session on the back deck of my house. In May, he released Often in the Pause which kicked off a massive tour (that seems to have never stopped). He was recently engaged (Congrats Kris!), and now he has flipped the script on all of us by teaming up with 12 of his favorite songwriters, artists and producers to cover/remix a song off Often in the Pause. Contributors consist of: Seattle (RockyVotolato, Budo, MaiahManser etc.) Nashville (Aaron Sprinkle, Jill Andrews, Aron Wright) and Los Angeles (Dia, Glen Phillips, Alain Whyte, Andrew Herringer).
Be sure to get this album, a lot of work has gone into this passion project!