Strand of Oaks w/ Christopher Denny - Tractor Tavern - Seattle

Back in 2012 we reviewed the recording of Strand of Oaks "Spacestations" from the Dark Shores album which is the foreplay to to his latest explosive album "Heal." The Album "Heal" has a "radio friendly" quality to it due to its catchy and addictive nature. Make sure to grab this album, it is salty and sweet; you can rock out and dance all at the same time.
Seeing Timothy Showalter aka Strand of Oaks headlining for his first time in Seattle to a sold out crowd was a night that is hard to forget. Every band uses the stage as an outlet, a personal therapy session, and punching bag but this show was an exhalation of relief and contentment. Catch Strand of Oaks near you!
Theres nothing like going to a show to see one band and discovering a new artist. We had the pleasure of seeing Christopher Denny open up for Strand of Oaks! The unique vibrato in his voice and and oldschool charm take you to a different time when things were simple. Although he didnt have a backing band his voice filled the room and held the crowd. Check out Christopher Denny on tour with Strand of Oaks until September 20th.