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Songs for Wednesday // J, Dana Buoy and more

Words // Adam Sharp

'Get Goin', Boy!'- J
Seriously, this does about everything right. Everything.
Website: https://www.facebook.com/ColdColdNights

Get Goin', Boy! - J


'Call To Be'- Dana Buoy
Fair warning: this song might give you heat stroke.
Website: http://danabuoy.tumblr.com/

Call To Be - Dana Buoy

'Quill'- Bison
You're not going to hear a lot better start to a song than the swirling strings and swelling 'ooohs' and 'ahhs' that open this little number. The rest of the song is just as good.
Website: http://www.bisonfolk.com/


'Summer Flings/Baby Blue' (La Blogotheque) - We
Were Evergreen

This should put a smile on your face. I'd be concerned for your health if it didn't.
Website: http://www.wewereevergreen.com/


'So Much Pain (feat Luther Dickinson)'- Star & Micey
The world can never have too many songs like this.
Website: http://starandmicey.com/

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