New music: Portage - "Into the River"

Words // Adam Sharp
There's something exciting about hearing a band for the first time that you never knew existed and who make the kind of music that's right in your wheelhouse. I had that happen today with Minneapolis' Portage, a band recommended to me by a reader named Lee. Ten bucks and five spins through their debut album, The Unsalted Sea, later and I'm ready to proclaim Lee made a fantastic suggestion.
Ranging from soulful and joyous to contemplative and haunting, The Unsalted Sea is an album full of songs that feel like beautiful, concise, complete thoughts despite all but two songs coming in under the 3 minute mark. My favorite track is 'Into the River,' a short, sweet, restrained tune that features that most gorgeous harmonizing between lead singer Trent Waterman and Sarah Krueger found on the record. The added element of the strings help enhance the smoky, soulful vibe of the harmonies and push this song from good to great.
The Unsalted Sea is available now, and it's a pretty great debut. Head on over to Portage's Bandcamp and give it a listen and then go ahead and (digitally) get out your $10 bucks and buy it. Enjoy.
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