New music // Field Report - Taking Alcatraz

Words // Scott Pingeton
Today brings another new track from Field Report - my pick for the next breakthrough artist of 2012. If there is one theme that is beginning to emerge from the tracks that have been released so far, it is new beginnings; emerging from the fog of apathy and hardship and finding the clarity to forge a promising new future. "I Am Not Waiting Anymore" is both a simple statement and a heartfelt promise. "Fergus Falls" is the one in which Chris Porterfield "miraculously pulls out of a free-fall dive". "Taking Alcatraz" covers similar thematic ground, using the story of Richard Oakes, who led the Native American occupation of Alcatraz, to reinforce the power of resolve. It's a haunting and beautiful track.
If we die there, at least we made the choice
If we're fine there, we can tell the boys that
A line in the sand don't matter if you don't care
A bird in the hand is worthless if you're too scared
The band's self-titled debut is out in July, and I have no doubt that it will be one of the records of the year.