Dr. Dog + The Head And The Heart @ Paradise 2/19-20

This weekend sees two of the best indie-folk-rock bands out there playing not one but two shows at The Paradise in Boston. You've got two chances, don't blow it and miss out on this.
If you need convincing, here are some tunes. Seattle's The Head And The Heart recently signed to Sub Pop, and their fantastic debut album has just been released. Preview "Down In The Valley", a gorgeous road song...
The Head And The Heart - Down In The Valley
We were in the house the last time Dr. Dog played the Paradise and got this fantastic live recording to prove it. Enjoy!
Dr. Dog
Paradise Rock Club - Boston MA
May 12, 2010
Mirror Mirror
Hang On
The Old Days
Army Of Ancients
The Way The Lazy Do
Shadow People
The Ark
The World May Never Know
I Only Wear Blue
Unbearable Why
The Beach
The Breeze
The Rabbit, The Bat and The Reindeer
The Girl
Shame, Shame
Jackie Wants a Black Eye
Die Die Die
Fat Dog
Easy Beat
Heart It Races (Architecture In Helsinki)
My Friend
Full set download: mp3 zip

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